Individual coaching
Executive coaching
As an executive coach, I help you think through situation that might trouble you, set the right focus and find actions to achieve your goals.
Very simply said, coaching is a structured conversation, where coach holds the process which allows you to think deeply for yourself. As a coach I use different creative methods to get hold of to the wisdom which lies within you.
As a coach, I do not give advice, but I help bring your own wisdom to the surface. I reflect and listen deeply. I am a reliable partner for you during difficult times.
The most common occasion to turn to coach:
- to support you in your onboarding process
- to become more authentic leader
- to resolve conflict within or with people around you
- to make next career choice
- to raise self-awareness
- to better manage your emotions
- and other reasons
Coaching packages from 4 sessions 60-90min.
Read more about management training.
Gallup strengths coaching
Gallup strengths coaching helps you to re-descover yourself through a strengths lens. Coaching is based on the CliftonStrengths personality test which has been developed based on decades of extensive research. This test measures how a person most naturally thinks, feels and behaves.
CliftonStrenghts test helps you to name you your natural talents, during coaching sessions you will claim your talents and find ways how you can better aim your talents and develop them into your true strengths.
People who work in their strength zone are:
- 6 x more dedicated to your work
- 3 times more satisfied with your life in general
- more confident and achieve more
- feel more valued
- more creative and innovative
Coaching packages from 3 sessions a 60-90min.
Read more about team strength coaching.
Coaching constellations
Coaching constellations is a good way to come from your mind to your heart. There are times when we are “out of our mind” – we can not find solutions simply by thinking. In fact we tend to overthink in such situations. Instead of going around in your mind, I suggest you to get out of it and try something else – sensing instead of thinking.
Coaching constellations is a good way to “play through” situations on a table with figures and feel what is one step for better.
As a coach, I can reflect back on you during the session and guide you go deep into your cognitive level.
Are you ready to get out of your mind? It is totally worth it!
Talking and walking
How would you feel combining necessary with useful? For example, coaching and walking?
I am a big fan of forest trails and I know how refreshing it can be to think deeply with body movements. Our brains work much better when we move and sometimes the best thoughts and ideas come when talking and walking.
Maybe this is perfect opportunity for you for coaching session? I am totally up to it. I am located in Harku area in Estonia and Harku forest trail is my absolute favorite place for walking and talking:)
It is not possible to do a coaching constellation on the forest trail, but both executive coaching and strength coaching is possible.
Contact me and lets arrange a time and the place!
Feedback from clients

"I had just started at a new job, and coaching helped me take time for myself, look inside and think through my thoughts. Aili knew how to ask questions in such a way that a completely new perspective opened up for me every time. The question "What would happen if you did nothing at the moment?" was especially valuable to a new enthusiastic manager like me. During the sessions, I was able to look at myself from the side and set my goals better. Coaching helped me to grow as a leader and increase the trust within my team."
Annika Tuulemäe
HR manager
“Thanks to coaching sessions with Aili I was able to find gaps in my learning and I was able to find new directions to explore that are helping me gain more confidence and boost my career growth even further. I am able to be my true self with people and when I am unable to do that, I am open about my struggles. This has taken an immense burden off me. Coaching with Aili was perfect. I can’t begin to thank you enough for being so unbelievably real and relatable. You pushed me to find answers and you helped me see things more clearly. Thanks for being so awesome and just changing my average year to extraordinary in a matter of months.”
Rabiya Shahid
Chief People & Culture Officer
"With Aili, I immediately got the right feeling, as you should with a coach. Mapping my strengths and discussing them with a broader perspective helped me find my true self again and take it into account when making choices. I believe that awareness and realization of my strengths help me to keep myself and achieve goals better. Aili's dedication and openness helped make a difficult search easy. I recommend her and strengths mapping again and again."
Iiris Õunpuu
Chain manager
"With Ailis help years ago I gained confidence that I want to be a leader. This journey has had ups and downs as life sometimes is. Aili has been there for me when I have had my down moments, when I was looking for a new challenge between two jobs, and recently when I was settling into a new position. Aili is a partner characterized by the keywords of professionalism, neutrality and, of course, confidentiality. With Aili, I can discuss and play through the planned changes in my work, which, for example, I don't want to or can't go to the direct manager or HR manager right away. Sessions with Aili make me more aware of my abilities and possibilities and hopefully develop me into a better person!"
Triin Küttim
Head of PR department at RMK
"Aili is a fantastic coach. Through all the sessions, I admired her ability to commit, listen and direct with playful ease, naturally and sincerely. She was never too little or too much, but just right at the right time, always in the right place and with the right questions. Coaching has a magical power, which is hard to believe until you've experienced it. Clarity, self-awareness and solid direction are just a small part of what working with Ail has given me. My sincere thanks to you for your heart-felt dedication."
Dagny Valtson
"The coach's questions and conversation helped me overcome some of the blind spots that were otherwise difficult for me. An action plan was also drawn up, which helps to further support the development of my strengths. Thanks to the coach, test results were turned into a very practical part of everyday life and thereby brought a clearer purpose, courage and self-confidence to life."