Strengths workshop for teams
Gallup research shows that strengths based teams have higher team engagement, less conflicts and more trust. When team members have common language of strengths, it will turn conversations into positive dialogue. When team members are able to use their strengths on day to day basis, it makes them feel valued.
Each team member will do CliftonStrenghts personality test. This test measures how you naturally think, feel and behaves. During the workshop each team member will have a chance to analyse own strengths and introduce them to other team members. It creates so much better understanding of each other when team members share what they bring to the team and what they need from them. Also we will analyse together your team strengths grid and look where you are collectively strong and where are your uncovered areas.
What you will learn during the workshop:
- Strengths based approach – what it is and how it helps my team?
- How to analyse your Cliftonstrengts34 report?
- How to develop your talents into strengths and use more of them?
- What is blindspot and what to do with weaknesses?
- What are powerful partnerships and how to utilize each team member strengths in a best way?
- Where are our strengths as team and where are our uncovered areas?
Strengths based leadership
During the training we will talk about strengths based approach, strengths based leadership, and what are your strengths as leader. You will get an understanding and language of strengths framework which will help you to identify other people strengths around you. You will have a possibility to see how your strengths play out in combination of your team and what can you do in order to maximize your own and other people potential.
Possible topics to be covered:
- Strengths based approach – what does it mean?
- What is strengths based leadership and what is means for me a leader?
- Expectations to leaders and what kind of leader I am based on my strength report?
- What are my blind spots?
- How can I balance my strengths in a best way?
- Where do I need help from other team members?
- How to create strengths based teams?
Training will be put together based on your specific needs.
How to create trusting relationships and manage at the same time results, development and cooperation? How to develop yourself as a leader through conversations? Performance reviews, development conversations, collaboration talks and regular one to ones (1:1) – all different conversations are an opportunity to create trust and connection and employees commitment or on the contrary, to break the connection and demotivate.
Possible topics to be covered:
- What is the role of conversations in the context of leadership?
- What are the different types of conversations?
- How to prepare for conversations?
- What is essential before difficult conversations?
- What are the different feedback models?
- How do you tie strengths-based leadership into different conversations?
- What is a coaching leadership style and how to use it in conversations?
- Active listening, paraphrasing, open questions What is your inner speech during conversations and how to control it?
I will tailor training day based on your needs, lets meet and discuss.
Read more about one-to-one conversations.
In-house development programs
I design in-house development programs based on your needs. Before putting together a program I do thorough pre-work to guarantee that you get what you need. During the trainings I use different tools to get to the desired outcome.
Possible topics:
- Goal setting and performance management
- Strengths based leadership
- Empowering conversations and coaching leadership style
- Self-management and time management – what or how do we actually manage?
- Different communication styles and communication barriers
- Effective and engaging meetings
- Feedback, feed forward and asking for feedback – how to create culture where honest feedback if new normal?
Feedback from clients

"After the Strengths workshop led by Aili, everything fell into place, everyone's roles in the team became clearer and trust in the newer team members grew. It was great to see how colleagues felt proud of their TOP talents, it gave them more confidence and empowered them. My first reaction to my own TOP strengths was - "those are boring talents", but after looking into them more closely, discussing with Aili and comparing them with my everyday life, I have realized that these talents actually help me to do my work the best every day."
Annely Luikmel
Sales and marketing manager
"We participated in the development program with the goal to increase collaboration between leaders. Since we were in the middle of important changes, it was crucial that the whole team would breathe in one rhythm. We have now completed all the training modules and we can safely say that the goal was achieved and our team's leadership toolbox was replenished with several important instruments. We are also now aware of each other's individual strengths and know how to use them skillfully to achieve our goals. We would like to thank our trainers - Jaanika and Aili, whose dynamic energy made the whole program enjoyable and whose practical advice gave us extra courage to face big challenges."
Margus Nõlvak
CEO of Forus Group
"The strengths workshop conducted by Aili gave a very good overview and a base from which to further develop the company's management team. What are the strengths to be developed and what are the blind spots to consider in the team. All the participants were happy with the workshop. Thank you, Aili!"